James Scott No Comments

Every year during February to Match, it’s time to think about your tax refund in Canada. The tax year in Canada runs from 1 Jan – 31 Dec, and T4s or tax summary documents are issued from each of your employers in January and February the following year. You can file your Canadian tax return from 1 March and the tax deadline is the 30 April. Your tax refund for Canada should arrive within 8 weeks.
International working holiday visa-holders in Canada are not actually required by law to file a tax return in their first year, but it is recommended to do so to keep your tax affairs in order and in case you want to return to Canada to work.
You have a number of options when filing your tax return, some of which are listed here;
Paper filing: find out more from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA); Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) – Paper Filing
NETFILE; the CRA’s online filing system; Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) – Online Filing
Tax Refunds for Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

On the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) web site, there is a tax preparation software that is FREE of charge, no income limit, no registration required and no question asked.
The software can be downloaded at this site:
Note: it works only on a PC, sorry for the Mac users.
Tax Refund Agencies
Tax Refunds – Ireland
Anyone who has left Ireland between the years of 2009 and 2013 is very likely to be due a tax refund from the Irish tax authorities. In many cases the amount of refund due can be quite substantial. For a free estimate of the amount you are owed contact Vision Taxation Consultants at info@visiontaxation.com. They can process your claim no matter where you are in the world.
Taxback.com offer free estimates, free online accounts, a hassle-free process and refunds are lodged into any account worldwide. Taxback.com maximize refunds for international workers, and their average refund is $904 in Canada.  If you are from the Ireland or the UK, they can also help you file your taxes at home too. 
Don’t forget that you can claim travel and medical expenses, including medical insurance from private companies in Canada against your tax. Cheers.

Bridges International Insurance Services
Suite 901- 1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver BC V6E 2Y3
1-888-267-4461/ 1-604-408-8695 ext 106
info@biis.ca (www.biis.ca)
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