Michelle Hara No Comments

Our thoughts and prayers are with those who suffer from the erthquake in Nepal.

One of the things we can do as an insurance broker is to improve people’s awareness of travel insurance. 

“Trip Cancellation and/or Interruption Insurance” cover many new and unforeseen risks, such as traveler’s health issue, legal duty and external events including natural disasters.  Insured risks are different in each plan. Please read policy’s benefits and exclusions.  Any questions? Contact us info@biis.ca.

Finally, before taking out any insurance, please make sure to register with “Canadians Abroad“.  This is a free service offered by Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada(DFATD) that keeps you connected to Canada in case of an emergency.  The service is intended for Canadian citizens. If you’re not  Canadian citizen, please contact your country’s nearest consular office to check if they have a similar registration system.